Autoimmune pathology
Abs against saccharomyces (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) (ASCA) IgG/IgA (total)Antibodies to cyclic citrulline peptide (CCP) (col.)Antibodies to extractable nuclear antigens (ENA screen) and nucleosomes, IgG, 7 antigensAntibodies to glutamate decarboxylase (GAD) (kach.)Antibodies to nuclear antigens, screening (ANA screen) p.colAntibodies to pancreatic b-cells (p.col.)Antibodies to phospholipids (APL), quantitativeAntibodies to roundworm (Ascaris lumbricoides) antigen in totalAntibodies to Saccharomyces cerevisiae (ASCA) IgGAntibodies to single-stranded DNA (a-ssDNA) count.Antibodies to the microsomal fraction of the liver and kidneys (LKM-1)Antibodies to the mitochondrial membrane antigen (AMA-M2) col.Antibodies to the roundworm antigen (Ascaris lumbricoides) IgMAntibodies to transglutaminase IgG (col.)Antibody to Toxocara canis IgGAntineutrophil cytoplasmic IgG antibodies (ANCA), Combi 6, totalAntiphospholipid syndrome, extended diagnosis (ALC (A, M, G), AB2GP, ANF)TSH receptor antibodies (col.)