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Ultrasound of the thyroid gland with elastography (sonoelastography)

Ultrasound of the thyroid gland with elastography (sonoelastography) in Tashkent: 17 doctors, 17 services, 22 reviews, price of services from 120 000 Sum to 375 000 Sum. Online booking an appointment.

Qabul turini:
Sahifa 1 dan 2
Khodzhaeva Nozima Khairullaevna
Sharhlar: 3
Bemorlar: 17
Qabul jarayoni:
Pointer   Tashkent, Mirabad District, Mironshoh passage 6, 18B
Ultrasound of the thyroid gland with elastography (sonoelastography)
225 000 Sum
Matniiazova Dildora Ismailovna
Sharhlar: 1
Bemorlar: 4
Child Bolalarni oladi

Matniiazova Dildora Ismailovna

Doctor of the first category
Experience: 30 years
Qabul jarayoni:
Pointer   Tashkent, Alisher Navoi Street, 10
Ultrasound of the thyroid gland with elastography (sonoelastography)
120 000 Sum
Qabul sifatini kafolatlaymiz!
Если вам не понравился приём, то мы запишем вас к другому врачу бесплатно.
Khodzhaeva Manzura Bakhtiiarovna
Sharhlar: 9
Bemorlar: 38
Child Bolalarni oladi

Khodzhaeva Manzura Bakhtiiarovna

Doctor of the highest category
Experience: 26 years
Qabul jarayoni:
Pointer   Tashkent, Ferghana Yuli, 569
Ultrasound of the thyroid gland with elastography (sonoelastography)
120 000 Sum
Shamuratova Laziza Dzhavadovna
Sharhlar: 0
Bemorlar: 7

Shamuratova Laziza Dzhavadovna

Doctor of the highest category
Experience: 13 years
Qabul jarayoni:
Pointer   Tashkent, Mirabad District, Mironshoh passage 6, 18B
Ultrasound of the thyroid gland with elastography (sonoelastography)
225 000 Sum
Dzhumaniiazova Dilfuza Azatbaevna
Sharhlar: 1
Bemorlar: 1
Qabul jarayoni:
Pointer   Tashkent, Farobiy Street, 5A
Ultrasound of the thyroid gland with elastography (sonoelastography)
229 000 Sum
Salomatlikni qulay qilish!
Siz SMS-xabarnomalar, bonuslar, chegirmalar va bepul maslahatlarni olasiz.
Kaiumova Rano Raufovna
Sharhlar: 0
Bemorlar: 1
Child Bolalarni oladi

Kaiumova Rano Raufovna

Doctor of the highest category
Experience: 28 years
Qabul jarayoni:
Pointer   Tashkent, Mahtumquli Street, 103
Ultrasound of the thyroid gland with elastography (sonoelastography)
375 000 Sum
Toirov Mansur Adilovich
Sharhlar: 4
Bemorlar: 53

Toirov Mansur Adilovich

Doctor of the third category
Experience: 10 years
Qabul jarayoni:
Pointer   Tashkent, Oybek Street, 34
Ultrasound of the thyroid gland with elastography (sonoelastography)
270 000 Sum
Nortozhiev Berdier Nortozhievich
Sharhlar: 0
Bemorlar: 3
Child Bolalarni oladi

Nortozhiev Berdier Nortozhievich

Doctor of the second category
Experience: 29 years
Qabul jarayoni:
Pointer   Tashkent, Bobur Street, 70A
Ultrasound of the thyroid gland with elastography (sonoelastography)
270 000 Sum
Sizning sog'lig'ingiz haqida qayg'uramiz!
Biz sizga sog'lig'ingizga ishonishingiz mumkin bo'lgan ishonchli mutaxassislarni topishga yordam beramiz.
Akhmedova Dilafruz Shovkatovna
Sharhlar: 1
Bemorlar: 6
Child Bolalarni oladi

Akhmedova Dilafruz Shovkatovna

Doctor of the second category
Experience: 13 years
Qabul jarayoni:
Pointer   Tashkent, Farobiy Street, 5A
Ultrasound of the thyroid gland with elastography (sonoelastography)
229 000 Sum
Adilova Aziza Bakhtiiarovna
Sharhlar: 2
Bemorlar: 9
Qabul jarayoni:
Pointer   Tashkent, Mahtumquli Street, 103
Ultrasound of the thyroid gland with elastography (sonoelastography)
375 000 Sum
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