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Ultrasound of the pelvic organs with elastography (sonoelastography)

Ultrasound of the pelvic organs with elastography (sonoelastography) in Tashkent: 7 doctors, 7 services, 14 reviews, price of services from 150 000 Sum to 420 000 Sum. Online booking an appointment.

Appointment type:
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Khodzhaeva Manzura Bakhtiiarovna
Reviews: 9
Patients: 38
Child Takes children

Khodzhaeva Manzura Bakhtiiarovna

Doctor of the highest category
Experience: 27 years
Appointment takes place at:
Pointer   Tashkent, Ferghana Yuli, 569
Ultrasound of the pelvic organs with elastography (sonoelastography)
150 000 Sum
Kaiumova Rano Raufovna
Reviews: 0
Patients: 1
Child Takes children

Kaiumova Rano Raufovna

Doctor of the highest category
Experience: 28 years
Appointment takes place at:
Pointer   Tashkent, Mahtumquli Street, 103
Ultrasound of the pelvic organs with elastography (sonoelastography)
280 000 Sum
We guarantee the quality of reception!
Если вам не понравился приём, то мы запишем вас к другому врачу бесплатно.
Pastukhova Elena Sergeevna
Reviews: 0
Patients: 0
Child Takes children

Pastukhova Elena Sergeevna

Doctor of the highest category
Experience: 20 years
Appointment takes place at:
Pointer   Tashkent, Mahtumquli Street, 103
Ultrasound of the pelvic organs with elastography (sonoelastography)
420 000 Sum
Sabirova Liliia Iunusovna
Reviews: 1
Patients: 2
Child Takes children

Sabirova Liliia Iunusovna

Doctor of the first category
Experience: 14 years
Appointment takes place at:
Pointer   Tashkent, Mahtumquli Street, 103
Ultrasound of the pelvic organs with elastography (sonoelastography)
420 000 Sum
Adilova Aziza Bakhtiiarovna
Reviews: 2
Patients: 9
Appointment takes place at:
Pointer   Tashkent, Mahtumquli Street, 103
Ultrasound of the pelvic organs with elastography (sonoelastography)
280 000 Sum
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Berdimurodov Ravshan Orifzhonovich
Reviews: 2
Patients: 5
Child Takes children
Appointment takes place at:
Pointer   Tashkent, Bobur Street, 70A
Ultrasound of the pelvic organs with elastography (sonoelastography)
300 000 Sum
Khusanbaeva Diera Davronovna
Reviews: 0
Patients: 0
Child Takes children

Khusanbaeva Diera Davronovna

Doctor of the third category
Experience: 7 years
Appointment takes place at:
Pointer   Tashkent, Moyqorghon Street, 11A
Ultrasound of the pelvic organs with elastography (sonoelastography)
150 000 Sum
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