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MSCT of the paranasal sinuses and temporal bones

MSCT of the paranasal sinuses and temporal bones in Tashkent: 8 doctors, 9 services, 37 reviews, price of services from 240 000 Sum to 310 000 Sum. Online booking an appointment.

Qabul turini:
Sahifa 1 dan 1
Khaidarova Guzal Bagiddinovna
Sharhlar: 11
Bemorlar: 745

Khaidarova Guzal Bagiddinovna

Doctor of the first category
Experience: 10 years
Qabul jarayoni:
Pointer   Tashkent, Maqsud Shayhzoda Street, 31
MSCT of the paranasal sinuses and temporal bones
240 000 Sum
Obrazkova Olga Vladimirovna
Sharhlar: 11
Bemorlar: 220
Child Bolalarni oladi

Obrazkova Olga Vladimirovna

Doctor of the second category
Experience: 10 years
Qabul jarayoni:
Pointer   Tashkent, Maqsud Shayhzoda Street, 31
MSCT of the paranasal sinuses and temporal bones
240 000 Sum
Qabul sifatini kafolatlaymiz!
Если вам не понравился приём, то мы запишем вас к другому врачу бесплатно.
Anvarov Davron Asatullaevich
Sharhlar: 7
Bemorlar: 117

Anvarov Davron Asatullaevich

Doctor of the second category
Experience: 10 years
Qabul jarayoni:
Pointer   Tashkent, Choponota Street, 18/19
MSCT of the paranasal sinuses and temporal bones
300 000 Sum
Rakhmanova Dildora Sultanovna
Sharhlar: 6
Bemorlar: 96
Qabul jarayoni:
Pointer   Tashkent, Oybek Street, 34
MSCT of the paranasal sinuses and temporal bones
310 000 Sum
Dzhumanova Oigul Turakulovna
Sharhlar: 0
Bemorlar: 9

Dzhumanova Oigul Turakulovna

Doctor of the highest category
Experience: 28 years
Qabul jarayoni:
Pointer   Tashkent, Oybek Street, 34
MSCT of the paranasal sinuses and temporal bones
310 000 Sum
Salomatlikni qulay qilish!
Siz SMS-xabarnomalar, bonuslar, chegirmalar va bepul maslahatlarni olasiz.
Son Igor Leonidovich
Sharhlar: 2
Bemorlar: 20

Son Igor Leonidovich

Doctor of the second category
Experience: 6 years
Qabul jarayoni:
Pointer   Tashkent, Amir Temur Avenue, 32А
MSCT of the paranasal sinuses and temporal bones
270 000 Sum
Rudakova Karine Artemovna
Sharhlar: 0
Bemorlar: 9
Qabul jarayoni:
Pointer   Tashkent, Farobiy Street, 417
MSCT of the paranasal sinuses and temporal bones
260 000 Sum
Tashkulov Muzaffar Mamasalievich
Sharhlar: 0
Bemorlar: 4

Tashkulov Muzaffar Mamasalievich

Doctor of the third category
Experience: 7 years
Qabul jarayoni:
Pointer   Tashkent, Oybek Street, 34
MSCT of the paranasal sinuses and temporal bones
310 000 Sum
Sizning sog'lig'ingiz haqida qayg'uramiz!
Biz sizga sog'lig'ingizga ishonishingiz mumkin bo'lgan ishonchli mutaxassislarni topishga yordam beramiz.
Sahifadagi ma'lumotlar eskirgan.
the page.