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Endocrinology in Tashkent: 47 doctors, 52 services, 109 reviews, price of services from 15 000 Sum to 225 000 Sum. Online booking an appointment.

Appointment type:
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Turaeva Oidinoi Bakhtierovna
Reviews: 0
Patients: 0
Appointment takes place at:
Pointer   Tashkent, Buyuk Ipak Yuli Street, 375
Endocrinologist's consultation
164 000 Sum
Usmanova Aziza Abduvakhabovna
Reviews: 2
Patients: 9
Appointment takes place at:
Pointer   Tashkent, Istirohat street, 60A
Endocrinologist's consultation
120 000 Sum
We guarantee the quality of reception!
Если вам не понравился приём, то мы запишем вас к другому врачу бесплатно.
Iuldasheva Nodira Utkurovna
Reviews: 1
Patients: 9

Iuldasheva Nodira Utkurovna

Doctor of the first category
Experience: 28 years
Appointment takes place at:
Pointer   Tashkent, Oybek Street, 34
Endocrinologist's consultation
170 000 Sum
Askarov Khudoer Adkhamovich
Reviews: 6
Patients: 10
Child Takes children
Appointment takes place at:
Pointer   Tashkent, Kukcha Darvoza Street, 558
Endocrinologist's consultation
100 000 Sum
Isamitdinova Ilmira Mukhsimovna
Reviews: 0
Patients: 1

Isamitdinova Ilmira Mukhsimovna

Doctor of the highest category
Experience: 37 years
Appointment takes place at:
Pointer   Tashkent, Olmazor District, Sebzor Residential Area, 17
Endocrinologist's consultation
100 000 Sum
Making health accessible!
Вы получаете SMS-уведомления, бонусы, скидки и бесплатные консультации.
Iakubdzhanova Shakhzoda Rustamovna
Reviews: 0
Patients: 0
Appointment takes place at:
Pointer   Tashkent, Alisher Navoi Street, 10
Gynecologist's consultation
200 000 Sum
Akhmedova Shakhnoza Utkirovna
Reviews: 1
Patients: 1

Akhmedova Shakhnoza Utkirovna

Doctor of the highest category
Experience: 28 years
Appointment takes place at:
Pointer   Tashkent, Alisher Navoi Street, 10
Endocrinologist's consultation
150 000 Sum
Makhmudova Gulnoza Abdukhakimovna
Reviews: 66
Patients: 355
Child Takes children

Makhmudova Gulnoza Abdukhakimovna

Doctor of the highest category
Experience: 31 year
Appointment takes place at:
Pointer   Tashkent, Parkent Street, 131
Endocrinologist's consultation
120 000 Sum
We care about your health!
We help you find trusted professionals who you can trust with your health.
Ismailova Guzal Maiesudbekovna
Reviews: 6
Patients: 21
Child Takes children

Ismailova Guzal Maiesudbekovna

Doctor of the first category
Experience: 20 years
Appointment takes place at:
Pointer   Tashkent, Alisher Navoi Street, 10
Endocrinologist's consultation
200 000 Sum
Akhmedova Lailo Ollaerovna
Reviews: 2
Patients: 12
Appointment takes place at:
Pointer   Tashkent, Mirzo Ulugbek District, Ahmad Yugnakiy Residential Area, G-40
Endocrinologist's consultation
120 000 Sum
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