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Doctor Pulatbekova Umida

Doctor masseur: 1 service, 0 reviews, 0 patients, price of services from 300 000 Sum to 300 000 Sum. Reviews and online booking an appointment.

Pulatbekova Umida
Reviews: 0
Patients: 0

Pulatbekova Umida

Experience: 3 years
Appointment takes place at:
Pointer   Tashkent, Alisher Navoi Street, 10
General massage
300 000 Sum
Back pain has many causes. It manifests itself in the form of clamps and spasms, which leads to blocks and muscle atrophy.
I recommend doing a therapeutic massage of the back and neck to all people without exception, especially those with a sedentary lifestyle.
Ten sessions of such a massage will relieve discomfort in the back and lower back, remove clamps and help you feel much more cheerful.
It is important that the massage is professional!
Work experience
EMU Clinic
Uzbekistan, Tashkent
Job title
Work period
Nurse, massage therapist
2022 - 2023
Eurosun Healthcare
Uzbekistan, Tashkent
Job title
Work period
Nurse, massage therapist
2023 - till now
Education / Training courses
Education type
Educational institution
Secondary educational institution
Medical College named after Tursunkhojaev
Faculty / Areas / Department
Period of study
2000 - 2003

Doctor's services in the clinic Eurosun Healthcare

Appointment at the clinic
General massage 300 000 Sum
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