Eng yaxshi mutaxassisni toping va qabulga yoziling

tank.research from the skin and the senses. to antibiotics

tank.research from the skin and the senses. to antibiotics in Tashkent: 6 clinics, 6 services, 185 reviews, 2559 patients, price of services from 60 000 Sum to 140 000 Sum. Online booking an appointment..

Qabul turini:
Sahifa 1 dan 1
Shox Med Center
Baholash: 86
Bemorlar: 954

Shox Med Center

Qabul quyidagi manzilda amalga oshiriladi:
Pointer  Tashkent, Oybek Street, 34
tank.research from the skin and the senses. to antibiotics
110 000 Sum
IXmed Clinic
Baholash: 15
Bemorlar: 107

IXmed Clinic

Qabul quyidagi manzilda amalga oshiriladi:
Pointer  Tashkent, Mirzo Ulugbek District, Ziyolilar street, 41
tank.research from the skin and the senses. to antibiotics
140 000 Sum
Qabul sifatini kafolatlaymiz!
Agar qabul sizga yoqmasa, biz sizni boshqa shifokorga bepul yozdrib qoyamiz.
Doktor Servis
Baholash: 21
Bemorlar: 123

Doktor Servis

Qabul quyidagi manzilda amalga oshiriladi:
Pointer  Tashkent, Muqimiy Street, 182
tank.research from the skin and the senses. to antibiotics
70 000 Sum
Nikamed Medical Center
Baholash: 5
Bemorlar: 64

Nikamed Medical Center

Qabul quyidagi manzilda amalga oshiriladi:
Pointer  Tashkent, Ferghana Yuli, 569
tank.research from the skin and the senses. to antibiotics
65 000 Sum
Здоровая семья
Baholash: 57
Bemorlar: 1308

Здоровая семья

Qabul quyidagi manzilda amalga oshiriladi:
Pointer  Tashkent, Maqsud Shayhzoda Street, 31
tank.research from the skin and the senses. to antibiotics
110 000 Sum
Salomatlikni qulay qilish!
Siz SMS-xabarnomalar, bonuslar, chegirmalar va bepul maslahatlarni olasiz.
Республиканский Научно-Практический Центр Спортивной Медицины
Baholash: 1
Bemorlar: 3
tank.research from the skin and the senses. to antibiotics
60 000 Sum
Sahifadagi ma'lumotlar eskirgan.
the page.