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Antibodies to soluble liver/pancreas antigen (Anti SLA/LP IgG)

Antibodies to soluble liver/pancreas antigen (Anti SLA/LP IgG) in Tashkent: 2 clinics, 2 services, 75 reviews, 1374 patients, price of services from 220 000 Sum to 420 000 Sum. Online booking an appointment..

Appointment type:
Page 1 of 1
Lab Medical
Reviews: 75
Patients: 613

Lab Medical

Appointment takes place at:
Pointer  Tashkent, Istirohat street, 60A
Antibodies to soluble liver/pancreas antigen (Anti SLA/LP IgG)
220 000 Sum
Reviews: 0
Patients: 761


Appointment takes place at:
Pointer  Tashkent, Pahlavon Mahmud 2 street, 23
Antibodies to soluble liver/pancreas antigen (Anti SLA/LP IgG)
420 000 Sum
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