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Clinic Zdorovie deti

Zdorovie deti in Tashkent: 1 doctor, 1 service, 1 review, 5 patients, price of services from 60 000 Sum to 60 000 Sum. Online booking an appointment.

Zdorovie deti
Reviews: 1
Patients: 5

Zdorovie deti

Appointment takes place at:
Pointer  Tashkent, Yunusabad District, Yunusobod Residential Area, 17th quarter, 28
Services in development
Price on request
Healthy children is a children's rehabilitation center.

We are for a healthy generation!
An innovative health complex for the little ones.

Areas of work:

- Neurology;
- Orthopedics;
- Exercise therapy Gymnastics;
- Massotherapy;
- Massage for cerebral palsy;
- Massage for rickets;
- Massage with torticollis;
- Massage for violations of posture;
- Massage for valgus and varus deformities of the feet;
- Massage for scoliosis;
- Hip dysplasia;
- Correction of tone (hypo-and hypertonus of muscles);
- Amplipulse;
- Treatment of flat feet;
- Physiotherapy;
- Electrophoresis;
- Darsenval;
- Paraffin.
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