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Clinic Voice LOR Clinic

Voice LOR Clinic in Tashkent: 4 doctors, 10 services, 9 reviews, 49 patients, price of services from 70 000 Sum to 200 000 Sum. Online booking an appointment.

Voice LOR Clinic
Reviews: 9
Patients: 49

Voice LOR Clinic

Appointment takes place at:
Pointer  Tashkent, Abdullah Qadiri Street, 10A
Services in development
Price on request
The phoniatry center "VOICE LOR clinic" is the first specialized center that provides
comprehensive medical examination and treatment of voice, hearing and speech disorders.

The center works:

- professor-otolaryngologist
- phoniatrist, doctor of medical sciences
- a neurologist
- speech pathologist, defectologist, teacher of the deaf.

Our center is equipped with the most modern equipment for diagnosing voice and hearing disorders.
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