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Clinic Siz ona bo'lasiz

Siz ona bo'lasiz in Tashkent: 8 doctors, 15 services, 2 reviews, 12 patients, price of services from 150 000 Sum to 365 000 Sum. Online booking an appointment.

Siz ona bo'lasiz
Reviews: 2
Patients: 12

Siz ona bo'lasiz

Appointment takes place at:
Pointer  Tashkent, Mirzo Ulugbek District, Ziyolilar street, 41
Services in development
Price on request
SIZ ONA BOLASIZ (IVF Center) - all the necessary services for reproductive health and
treatment of various forms of male and female infertility.

Treatment includes:

- Drug therapy
- Assisted reproductive technologies
- Cryopreservation.
- Artificial insemination
-Hormonal stimulation

Direction of work:

- Obstetrics
- Gynecology
- Playback
- Embryology.
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