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Clinic ShifoNur

ShifoNur in Tashkent: 7 doctors, 12 services, 0 reviews, 4 patients, price of services from 95 000 Sum to 180 000 Sum. Online booking an appointment.

Reviews: 0
Patients: 4


Appointment takes place at:
Pointer  Tashkent, Moyqorghon Street, 100
Services in development
Price on request
ShifoNur ophthalmological clinic is the country's leading medical center.

Clinic departments:

- Microsurgery;
- Refractive surgery;
- Laser surgery;
- Reconstructive - plastic ophthalmic surgery;
- Operating block;
- Pediatric department;
- Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care;
- Optical salon and contact office;
- Clinical laboratory.
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