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РЕАЦЕНТР ТАШКЕНТ in Tashkent: 8 doctors, 16 services, 4 reviews, 28 patients, price of services from 70 000 Sum to 398 000 Sum. Online booking an appointment.

Reviews: 4
Patients: 28


Appointment takes place at:
Pointer  Tashkent, Buyuk Ipak Yuli Street, 305
Services in development
Price on request

Our main goal is to help sick children with mental retardation,
speech, motor development, as well as with autism, with cerebral palsy and other pathologies.

For your information, the Children's Rehabilitation Center "REACENTER" is successfully operating
in Russia since 1994 - for 23 years.

Neurologists and reflexologists of "Reacenter" apply a unique method of Microcurrent
reflexology for the treatment of neurological pathology (confirmed by RF patents),
which helps:

- Activate lagging areas of the brain
- Reduce spastic muscle tone
- Reduce excitability.

Areas of work:

- Microcurrent reflexology
- Speech therapy
- Neuropsychologist
- Defectology
- exercise therapy massage
- Neurocorrection
- Sand therapy
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