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Clinic Phlebo Service

Phlebo Service in Tashkent: 3 doctors, 6 services, 21 reviews, 128 patients, price of services from 75 000 Sum to 350 000 Sum. Online booking an appointment.

Phlebo Service
Reviews: 21
Patients: 128

Phlebo Service

Appointment takes place at:
Pointer  Tashkent, Sharshara Street, 115
Services in development
Price on request
"Phlebo Service"

Phlebo Service is a modern clinic that combines modern
methods of diagnostics and treatment of diseases of the vascular system.

Examination and treatment are carried out according to the standards adopted in Europe.

We guarantee an attentive, trusting attitude and
individual approach to each patient.

- Treatment of varicose veins by endovenous laser obliteration (ablation) (EVLO, EVLA)
- Foam sclerotherapy (FOAM-FORM) under ultrasound control (echosclerotherapy)
- Radiofrequency ablation of small capillaries
- Laser coagulation of "spider veins", "wine stains", papillomas, fibromas, nevi on the face and body
- Diagnosis of vascular diseases, consultation professor
- Effective treatment of trophic ulcers of venous origin
- Complex conservative therapy of CVI (lymphopress therapy, ozone therapy), rehabilitation
- Constant control
- The latest technology for the treatment of "spider veins" on the F-care systems device (Belgium).
- Effective treatment of congenital hemangiomas
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