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OFTOB MEDLINE in Tashkent: 6 doctors, 106 services, 11 reviews, 35 patients, price of services from 15 000 Sum to 140 000 Sum. Online booking an appointment.

Baholash: 11
Bemorlar: 35


Qabul quyidagi manzilda amalga oshiriladi:
Pointer  Tashkent, Olmazor District, Sebzor Residential Area, 1
17-OH Progesterone
36 000 Sum
Oftob Medline is a multidisciplinary healthcare facility providing all types of
highly specialized medical care for patients 24 hours a day.

Professionals in their field who qualify abroad,
provide top notch services to patients.
Specialists of the medical center can accurately detect the cause of pain and
develop an individual method of treatment.

Areas of work:

- Orthopedics
- Cardiology
- Urology
- Traumatology
- Neurology
- Gynecology
- Laboratory research
- Ultrasonography
- Otolaryngology
Albumin 15 000 Sum
Bilirubin total 20 000 Sum
C-peptide 80 000 Sum
Calcitonin 120 000 Sum
Cortisol 36 000 Sum
Creatine kinase 20 000 Sum
Creatinine 17 000 Sum
Estradiol 40 000 Sum
Fibrinogen assay 15 000 Sum
glucose in urine 20 000 Sum
Glycemic profile 35 000 Sum
Iron 15 000 Sum
LE cells 40 000 Sum
Magnesium 15 000 Sum
Potassium 15 000 Sum
Progesterone 36 000 Sum
Prolactin 36 000 Sum
Rubella 40 000 Sum
Sodium (Na+) 15 000 Sum
Spermogram 60 000 Sum
thrombin time 15 000 Sum
total protein 17 000 Sum
Triglycerides 18 000 Sum
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