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MUQARNAS in Tashkent: 7 doctors, 266 services, 7 reviews, 23 patients, price of services from 12 000 Sum to 6 900 000 Sum. Online booking an appointment.

Reviews: 7
Patients: 23


Appointment takes place at:
Pointer  Tashkent, Yunusabad District, Osiyo Street, 21А
Services in development
Price on request
Muqarnas Aesthetic Medicine Clinic - a modern high-tech clinic
medical cosmetology and plastic surgery, opened its doors to patients in 2017.

We care about health and beauty, so our team consists of specialists,
which attach great importance to issues of professional ethics, develop
and constantly improve their knowledge and skills.

Areas of work:

- Cosmetology
- Dermatology
- Trichology

The medical equipment park is presented as well-known traditional devices,
and the latest installations, presented for the first time in Uzbekistan.

The clinic meets all international standards, which is confirmed by the existing licenses.
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