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Clinic Международный центр аллергии

Международный центр аллергии in Tashkent: 4 doctors, 4 services, 9 reviews, 28 patients, price of services from 180 000 Sum to 220 000 Sum. Online booking an appointment.

Международный центр аллергии
Reviews: 9
Patients: 28

Международный центр аллергии

Appointment takes place at:
Pointer  Tashkent, Yunusabad District, Osiyo Street, 86A
Services in development
Price on request
"International Allergy Center"

We specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of all types of allergies.
The laboratory and doctors are in the same place, you can take primary tests,
get an answer within 20 minutes and return back for a consultation with a doctor.

What awaits you at the appointment with an allergist-immunologist at the International Allergy Center?⠀

You will be interviewed and collect detailed information about the symptoms;⠀
the doctor will examine for visible manifestations of allergies;⠀
you will be offered several options for allergological studies according to modern
technologies based on your budget and the complexity of the case:
molecular allergodiagnostics, screening and prick tests for allergens.

Allergy diagnostics is carried out by allergologists with 30 years of experience,
candidates of medical sciences, leading experts in the field of allergology of Uzbekistan.

The medical staff of the center:
- allergists
- pulmonologists
- doctors of functional diagnostics.

Allergy treated today!
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