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Clinic Medas Medical Center

Medas Medical Center in Tashkent: 6 doctors, 6 services, 0 reviews, 9 patients, price of services from 200 000 Sum to 200 000 Sum. Online booking an appointment.

Medas Medical Center
Reviews: 0
Patients: 9

Medas Medical Center

Appointment takes place at:
Pointer  Tashkent, Amir Temur Avenue, 119B
Services in development
Price on request
MEDAS Medical Center was founded in 2001 in Tashkent city.
The main activities of our medical center
aims to provide a wide range of services for:

- Plastic surgery;
- Aesthetic surgery;
- Reconstructive surgery;
- General surgery;
- Eye surgery;
- Endosurgery and microsurgery of ENT organs;
- Aesthetic medicine.

Today, MEDAS is professional staff and a first-class hospital equipped with
high-tech modern medical equipment.
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