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Clinic Lanvin Clinic

Lanvin Clinic in Tashkent: 2 doctors, 271 services, 0 reviews, 0 patients, price of services from 34 000 Sum to 2 200 000 Sum. Online booking an appointment.

Lanvin Clinic
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Lanvin Clinic

Qabul quyidagi manzilda amalga oshiriladi:
Pointer  Tashkent, Nukus Street, 72/2
17-OH Progesterone
110 000 Sum
Lanvin clinic is...

- Highly qualified specialists.
- Innovative diagnostic and treatment systems.
- Modern and comfortable interior.
- Maximum conditions for patients.
- Thoughtful solutions for your wellness.

Health is the most precious thing a person has.

Lanvin Clinic - provides services:

- Cardiology for children and adults
- Gynecology
- Ultrasound.
Acetone in urine 43 000 Sum
Albumin 34 000 Sum
Aldosterone 254 000 Sum
Androstenedione 119 000 Sum
Atherogenic index 152 000 Sum
Bilirubin total 43 000 Sum
Biochemistry basic 271 000 Sum
Brucellosis IgG 170 000 Sum
Brucellosis IgM 170 000 Sum
C-peptide 119 000 Sum
Calcitonin 264 000 Sum
calcium in urine 39 000 Sum
Copper 147 000 Sum
Cortisol 119 000 Sum
Creatine kinase 60 000 Sum
Creatinine 43 000 Sum
D-dimer (D-dimer) 152 000 Sum
Digitoxin 294 000 Sum
Estradiol 119 000 Sum
Fecal calprotectin 615 000 Sum
Fibrinogen assay 78 000 Sum
glucose in urine 43 000 Sum
Haptoglobin 51 000 Sum
HOMA index 287 000 Sum
Homocysteine 423 000 Sum
Immunoglobulin IgE 102 000 Sum
Inhibin B 592 000 Sum
Insulin 119 000 Sum
Lipoprotein (a) 169 000 Sum
Magnesium 38 000 Sum
Phenobarbital 294 000 Sum
Potassium 43 000 Sum
Progesterone 119 000 Sum
Prolactin 102 000 Sum
Renin 379 000 Sum
Rom's algorithm 422 000 Sum
Rubella (Dab) 170 000 Sum
Rubella virus RNA 170 000 Sum
Sodium (Na+) 43 000 Sum
Spermogram 111 000 Sum
Tacrolimus 575 000 Sum
Testosterone total 102 000 Sum
Thymol test 43 000 Sum
Thyroglobulin (TG) 111 000 Sum
total protein 34 000 Sum
Triglycerides 46 000 Sum
Troponin I ES 170 000 Sum
Zinc (Zinc, Zn) 43 000 Sum
Chlorine 43 000 Sum
Cholinesterase 43 000 Sum
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