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KASMED in Tashkent: 6 doctors, 7 services, 4 reviews, 26 patients, price of services from 50 000 Sum to 100 000 Sum. Online booking an appointment.

Reviews: 4
Patients: 26


Appointment takes place at:
Pointer  Tashkent, Chilanzar District, Chilanzor massif, 5th quarter, 1А
Services in development
Price on request
Medical Center "Kasmed" was founded in 1998. Currently, the clinic is working
highly professional specialists in various fields of medicine.
The staff of the clinic is constantly improving their knowledge not only in the republic, but also abroad.

Kasmed Medical Center has established itself as a stable and reliable partner
in matters of new modern approaches in medicine, quality of service, as well as the introduction of new technologies in medicine..

Areas of work:

- Cosmetology;
- Otolaryngology;
- Dentistry;
- Gynecology;
- Plastic surgery;
- Dermatology;
- Phlebology;
- Ophthalmology;
- Laboratory research;
- Ultrasound examinations.
- Reconstructive surgery;
- Aesthetic surgery;
- Physiotherapy;
- Photorejuvenation;
- Photoepilation;
- Therapeutic and anti-cellulite massage;
- Ozone therapy.
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