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Clinic Aquila Heiberg Cliniс

Aquila Heiberg Cliniс in Tashkent: 2 doctors, 4 services, 4 reviews, 10 patients, price of services from 100 000 Sum to 200 000 Sum. Online booking an appointment.

Aquila Heiberg Cliniс
Reviews: 4
Patients: 10

Aquila Heiberg Cliniс

Appointment takes place at:
Pointer  Tashkent, Shaykhontohur District, massif Karatash, 5
Services in development
Price on request
"Aquila Heiberg Cliniс"

Center for aesthetic medicine, laser and plastic surgery and phlebology.

Heiberg Clinic is one of the first clinics in the city of Tashkent operating
in the field of laser surgery, and has been working for several years,
our experienced specialists are happy to offer you only the best
treatment with the most modern equipment.

Heiberg Clinic is a unique center for laser surgery, plastic surgery
and phlebology, feedback from our customers has always been only positive.

Center for Aesthetic Medicine, Laser and Plastic Surgery and
phlebology Heiberg Clinic is a clinic providing
medical care in the field of laser surgery, dermatocosmetology,
pediatric laser surgery (including charities).

Our specialists are highly qualified in the field of laser
vein surgery, our aesthetic and laser surgery clinic
Heiberg Clinic has rich experience in fulfilling doctor's orders
courses in laser surgery.
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