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Clinic Детский коррекционно-развивающий центр CONTACT-PROFI

Детский коррекционно-развивающий центр CONTACT-PROFI in Tashkent: 1 doctor, 1 service, 2 reviews, 6 patients, price of services from 80 000 Sum to 80 000 Sum. Online booking an appointment.

Детский коррекционно-развивающий центр CONTACT-PROFI
Reviews: 2
Patients: 6
Services in development
Price on request
Children's Correction and Development Center "CONTACT-PROFI" is the first center in Uzbekistan,
designed specifically for children with autism spectrum disorders.

Successful socialization is the result of our work.
- Center for children with autism.
- Professional speech therapists.
- Specialists in the field of sensory integration.
- Neuropsychologists and neurospeech therapists.

Areas of work:

- Speech therapy and defectology;
- ABA-therapy;
- ART-therapy;
- Psychology;
- Neuropsychology.
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