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CRYSTAL in Tashkent: 8 doctors, 24 services, 1 review, 1 patient, price of services from 120 000 Sum to 240 000 Sum. Online booking an appointment.

Reviews: 1
Patients: 1


Appointment takes place at:
Pointer  Tashkent, Ziyo Street, 12А
Services in development
Price on request
The CRYSTAL Ophthalmology Center also treats patients with a wide range of eye diseases
using the most modern equipment and technologies, based on the vast experience of ophthalmologists.

From the moment of its foundation (1998), the center has gained a well-deserved reputation among professional colleagues,
and among thousands of grateful patients.

Our directions:

- Lasik;
- Replacement of the lens for cataracts;
- Myopia and astigmatism;
- Transplantation;
- Glaucoma;
- Laser coagulation and dissection;
- Night lenses;
- Pathology of the cornea;
- retinal dystrophy;
- Myopia of a high degree;
- Atrophy of the optic nerve.

Our goal is to restore full vision!
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