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CITYMED CLINIC in Tashkent: 15 doctors, 209 services, 21 reviews, 144 patients, price of services from 33 000 Sum to 480 000 Sum. Online booking an appointment.

Baholash: 21
Bemorlar: 144


Qabul quyidagi manzilda amalga oshiriladi:
Pointer  Tashkent, Farobiy Street, 417
Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
202 000 Sum
Center for Modern Medicine-clinic CITYMED. Date of foundation - 2009.

The mission of our clinic:
- prevention;
- diagnostics;
- treatment of diseases.

There are 7 departments at your service:
- Polyclinic (neurologist, neurosurgeon, orthopedist, rheumatologist, nephrologist, gynecologist, endocrinologist, dentist, ENT, surgeon, therapist,
pediatric neuropathologist, psychotherapist);
- Diagnostic department (MRI, MSCT, digital X-ray diagnostics, liver fibroscanning, ultrasound (Doppler), endoscopy, holter -
- Hospital for 40 beds;
- Modern laboratory;
- Department of emergency medical care;
- Physiotherapy and balneological department.
Albumin 40 000 Sum
Bilirubin total 40 000 Sum
blood glucose 40 000 Sum
Calcitonin 200 000 Sum
Cortisol 102 000 Sum
Creatinine 40 000 Sum
D-dimer (D-dimer) 120 000 Sum
Estradiol 77 000 Sum
Fibrinogen assay 33 000 Sum
glucose in urine 40 000 Sum
Insulin 115 000 Sum
Iron 43 000 Sum
Magnesium 43 000 Sum
Potassium 43 000 Sum
Progesterone 78 000 Sum
Prolactin 78 000 Sum
Reberga test 58 000 Sum
Rubella 56 000 Sum
Sodium (Na+) 43 000 Sum
Spermogram 127 000 Sum
thrombin time 33 000 Sum
total protein 40 000 Sum
Triglycerides 40 000 Sum
Cholesterol 40 000 Sum
Sahifadagi ma'lumotlar eskirgan.
the page.