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Clinic Chiroy

Chiroy in Tashkent: 5 doctors, 7 services, 10 reviews, 74 patients, price of services from 60 000 Sum to 1 000 000 Sum. Online booking an appointment.

Reviews: 10
Patients: 74


Appointment takes place at:
Pointer  Tashkent, Uchtepa District, Chilanzar massif, 11th quarter, 47
Services in development
Price on request
Center for Aesthetic Surgery "CHIROY" was established in 1993. The initiator of its creation and permanent
the head is Kim Eduard Grigorievich, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, professor.

The almost 20-year history of the Center's existence is filled with interesting events and everyday
hard work for the benefit of the beauty and health of compatriots and guests from abroad.

Our services:

- Contour plastic V-LINE;
- Laser lifting;
- Breast lift;
- Eyelid surgery;
- Breast plastic surgery;
- Rhinoplasty;
- Liposuction;
- Removal of scars, tattoos;
- Abdominoplasty.
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