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Clinic Assihat Medical Center

Assihat Medical Center in Tashkent: 4 doctors, 5 services, 0 reviews, 0 patients, price of services from 35 000 Sum to 100 000 Sum. Online booking an appointment.

Assihat Medical Center
Reviews: 0
Patients: 0

Assihat Medical Center

Appointment takes place at:
Pointer  Tashkent, Birlashgan Street, 52
Services in development
Price on request
"Assihat Medical Center"

A multidisciplinary clinic where everyone can get a consultation,
diagnosis and treatment by professional doctors.

Assihat Medical Center provides advisory and medical assistance,
as well as laboratory research.

Services are provided in the following areas:

- Gynecology
- Pediatrics
- Cardiology
- Neurology
- Ultrasound diagnostics

We care about your health!
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